International Shipping

‘Shipped’ means the order is packed, labeled, and ready for the carrier to pick up. Pick-up times vary due to driver schedules, traffic, weather, and other factors. Orders shipped late in the day or on weekends may not be picked up until the next business day. Please do not worry if tracking results are not immediately available. Carriers take up to two business days to update information on their websites.

We ship packages all over the world!

  • We use a network of economical, fast, and reliable shipping carriers. Most customers receive their orders within a week.
  • Our shipping rates are calculated by the carriers based on weight and distance.
  • When you add the items to your cart, you can see the total shipping cost after you enter your shipping information.

*Applies only as a special promotion

International Shipping Rates

  • Note: Due to the restrictive nature of customs in certain countries, not all countries qualify for free shipping.
  • Customs can hold a package for a number of days. If you haven't received your order within two weeks, let us know by contacting us.

Duties and Fees

  • Due to the complexity of international laws and taxes, we do not include those fees in the orders.
  • You are responsible for any local customs and duties on your order. We are required by law to disclose the full value of the package contents.
  • If an order is refused, then you are responsible for the original shipping expenses we incurred to ship you the package, as well as any additional duties, fees, customs or taxes incurred in shipping.
  • We discount all our international shipping costs for customer convenience, so the original shipping expense will be higher than the amount you paid.
  • If you qualified for free shipping, you will also be charged the original shipping expense we incurred to ship you the package.

Standard shipping for international, MI shipping, and DDU shipping services for international customers do not include taxes and duties. Other services at checkout will calculate duties and taxes if you choose to use those services.

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